Health Consulting Dr. Alfen

Health Consulting Dr. Alfen
Schweinfurter Straße 6
97080 Würzburg, Germany

Telefon: +49 (0) 931 78 01 17 20


Contents of the online service

We accept no responsibility for the completeness, quality, currency or properness of provided information. Provided no deliberate or grossly negligent culpability can be detected by the author, any liability claim of a tangible or non-material that was caused by the usage or disuse of presented information or rather by the usage of faulty or incomplete information is categorically excluded.

Responsible for contents according to §6 MDStV: Dr. med. Florian Maria Alfen

Dissociation from external links

With a verdict of May 12 1998 (312 O 85/98 – „Haftung für Links“) the district court of Hamburg decided that website operators have to answer for the content on external websites if linked on their own, unless they explicitly distance themselves from those contents. There are some links to external websites on our website. We hereby explicitly declare, that no person in authority of this website under TDC has any factor in the current nor future layout, content or authorship of linked websites. 

Validity of this exlusion of liability 

This exclusion of liability is to be viewed as part of the internet services from which this website was referred to. Provided parts or particular phrasings of this text do not, or partly do not conform to the current legal situation any longer, the other parts of this document stay unaffected in content as well as validity. 

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